Okay, this is only my second really outspoken blog to date... I blogged about the Presidential race a couple of weeks ago, and I just had a few more thoughts rattling around... so again, scroll on past this one if you want to skip to the usual fun stuff and pics of the Cutler boys! This ended up being a really long one... apparently, I had some things to say. :)
Please know that this is all written with a loving, non-judgmental and yet dutiful heart! I don't claim to know everything or to always be right - my ignorance is far-reaching and immeasurable I am sure. But of everything I don't know... let me tell you that I DO know Jesus Christ is my Savior and was sent to this earth so that I may have eternal life. Of this I am sure! And I am also sure that he put me on this earth to share this good news and to glorify God!
So, I really feel like God has been calling me to be bold lately - there are some people you meet and you wonder... what is important to them, what do they believe in? I never want anyone to wonder... I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend, but most importantly I am a daughter of the Almighty God and I am proudly, and humbly a Christian - a sinful, unworthy Christian who is grateful for the life that God has given her. The very least that I can do is proudly speak of His love for all of us and to speak the one and only truth no matter what the consequence... even if I lose friends, make people uncomfortable... I'm pretty sure I'm not going to have to spend my last hours nailed to a cross in suffering - Jesus has made sure that my purpose is clear, he carries my worries. God's plan for my life has not always been easy, but at a very young age he gave me a brave heart and set in my soul that every struggle that he gives me is to teach me and grow me; and I have never let my difficult paths harden my heart or allow me to be bitter. He has blessed me with amazing gifts - like giving me my Salvation early in life, leading me to a wonderful and God-fearing husband, allowing me to bear children, and for so many things I am tremendously grateful and thankful.
So I titled this entry "God Bless America" because that is a term used so often, and everytime I hear someone say it I wonder if it has the same meaning for them as it does for me? People are constantly saying - "you're in my prayers", and if I don't know them well, then I wonder if they really are praying for me and if they are praying to the same God that I pray to? Because I know that some people are spiritual, but not religious. And some people are religious, but they're not a Christian. I just wonder if some terms are used just so people get the warm and fuzzies, rather than truly believing that God is in control and we should indeed pray for his blessings and grace upon us. And do they know that this country was built on the foundation of God, that as a nation we would uphold Him and obey Him. There is but one God in "Under God" and "In God We Trust".
These thoughts all started when I got into heated debates with an old high school friend on Facebook (I know - me, fired up about something? Weird!) She is very liberal and does not believe that you must believe in Jesus Christ to be saved (not to say that there are not many liberal Christians out there, I know there are). But, I had said to her "I understand that you're not a Christian, but I am..." Well, she got really offended that I would tell her she's not a Christian. When, in fact, she's not and I thought I was merely stating something that she already knew. The definition of Christian is "someone who believes in Jesus Christ and follows his teachings". And well, his teachings are that you must believe in him to be saved. He doesn't say... well, if you're really good then you'll be saved, or if you believe in a God you will be saved... he says that he is the only way to heaven and the only way to be saved. So I just stated a fact... she might believe in God and read her bible every day, but unless she believes that Jesus Christ is her Savior and died for her sins, then she's not a Christian. And in fact, she never admitted to being a Christian, she just wanted to state that she was offended that I would say she's not one... well, if you are a Christian - then shout it from the rooftops! Being a Christian doesn't make me better than anyone else, I don't hate or even dis-like non-Christians. We are all Children of God. We are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God; I have sinned too many times to count and fallen so far from Him that it's been hard to climb back up to meet Him. I wouldn't dare cast a stone, because 50 of them would come back and knock me right in the face. But I do know Jesus Christ. There are many different religions, Christianity is one of them, and I am not ashamed of the Gospel!
Now I don't pretend to know the paths that God has laid before her, and what he is preparing her heart for, and this entry is not really about her, but it certainly did open my eyes to things and make me realize that Christianity is still very much hated by some people and it is our responsibility to stand up for our faith and pray for those who don't believe. Time and again, she kept saying that "Conservative Christians" were not diverse and didn't practice tolerance. When actually she was the one that wasn't practicing tolerance of my religion. She is not celebrating diversity when she does not accept Christians. Diversity isn't just about people from other countries coming to America - it's about different religions, races, incomes, disabilities, single mothers, widowed fathers, a woman that chooses not to have children and a husband and wife that choose to have 17 children! Please don't preach about diversity and tolerance if you are not willing to walk that walk! If you want me to accept you and listen to your views, then you need to return that favor. Don't play the victim of oppression and then demand equal rights. And don't judge those whose values and beliefs differ from yours! If I need to be a punching bag, then okay - punch away; I can take it. But don't think that you will get me to rebuke my faith, and don't think that I won't punch back! Okay, step down from soap box... sorry, all fired up again, and she doesn't even read my blog!
Now, as I've said - I wholeheartedly voted for John McCain. And I am so inspired by his grace and faithfulness. I believe he's a great man, and I was very sad to see him concede. But you know what... we move on. Did I vote for Obama? Well, no. Do I agree with Obama and think that he will be able to keep all of his campaign promises, well no. Some promises I pray that he is NOT able to keep. But will I stand behind him as President, will I pray for him, will I be patient, absolutely yes! He is the President of the United States and for that he gets my respect. I don't think he's a bad person or has bad intentions; I hope he does amazing things for our country. I hope he keeps us safe, gets the economy going again and protects our rights. And most of all I pray for his salvation.
I'll tell you what bothered me though about this election. It was that I think people voted for "change" just because they didn't want another Republican in the office. I'm not sure that they truly looked at both candidates, they got wrapped up in the media and had their mind made up to vote "against Bush". Change isn't always good; listen to both sides and then cast your vote! And we shouldn't vote for someone just because of their race... just like we shouldn't not vote for someone just because of their race. So, for all of you who voted, awesome... I hope we can all, with great confidence, say exactly why we voted the way we did. That's my point, know why you're doing what you're doing before you do it! This was made clear to me when I was watching the post-election coverage on TV and they were in downtown Dallas interviewing a volunteer for the Obama campaign. She said she voted for Obama and had been on his campaign "since the beginning". Well, I kid you not... when the TV personality asked her "So, why did you vote Obama?" She stood there in silence and said, "well, he had good ideas on..... um, I can't think of the word..." Seriously, they had to finish her sentence for her. She couldn't even tell you why she voted the way she did... and she was on his campaign! That is what makes me sad. Don't let people think for you, and don't assume you know why other people are voting the way they are... in fact, that is what started this whole debate. I posted a funny comment about Preston wanting John McCain's autograph, and my friend replied "Congrats on making $250k a year". Yea, right. It was rude and sarcastic. How about asking why I'm voting for John McCain instead of assuming... because it certainly had nothing to do with our paycheck. Get the whole story, because if you are truly passionate about something then you should care enough to hear the other side too.
Quick note - right after the election, honestly after I cried for a few minutes and then picked myself up to move on... Erick showed me this great video on YouTube. It's called "A Random Rant", but he's also got several other videos on YouTube, like "Why I'm a Conservative Republican". I think his production company was called Macho Sauce Productions if you want to find him. Anyway, he is this very well-spoken African American, young guy who sums it all up... sometimes he says things bluntly, but it's great to hear! He is a proud African American, Christian, Conservative, Republican. We watched every video he had posted... kind of hoping he'll run for President one day!
So, final thought and you'll be rid of this blog entry... but this one got under my skin. Over and again my friend made a point of saying that she loves diversity and implying that conservatives didn't. Well, I'm only speaking for me, but I think diversity is great. The fact that other people want to live in this country and sometimes pay a high price to do so, that says something about our country. But let me tell you, and this may upset some... I think that it is a privilege to live in this country. We have freedom, but it WAS not and IS not free! If you are living in this country you should be working or looking for work, you should be paying taxes, following our laws and I think learning to speak our language. Again, it's tolerance - but there's also responsibility. I don't go over to China and expect them to know English. If I'm going there, I'm learning their language or I'm dealing with it! I don't expect them to cater to me or my arrogance. And I love my children - but do I not set expectations for them, give them responsibility, all out of love? We've all got rules and we all need to live by them! So live here and I will embrace you and your culture, but don't take advantage; be proud to be an American! And anyone who lives here from another country or who is on their way here, may they have much success in this land of opportunity! And for those of us who were born here - we are guilty of taking advantage too, probably even more... may we always be conscious of the fact that we have so many luxuries in this country that most people will never even see! Let us not forget those who have come before us, to pave our way... it is our obligation to make our country better and I believe our obligation as a nation "Under God" to reach out and share the Gospel.
And for all those that feel persecuted, or alone... I am truly sorry. But we have all faced persecution, especially Christians... just pick up the Bible. We all have burdens and blessings. God is in control, but he expects you to make good choices and to follow and obey Him. Your life is not what has happened to you, it is what you choose to become. What's the saying, "life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it!" I truly believe that... and for those of you that know my life story, the whole story, you know that it doesn't matter where you come from... yet another great thing about our country! Stop blaming - show love and make things better! Don't be afraid to share your faith, to pray for your neighbor's salvation - and to openly love people despite their differences.
You know, doing the right thing isn't always easy. As my friend was blaming Christians for the divorce rate in America and telling me that I only needed to believe parts of the bible, I found myself being attacked. But I took the hard path and really remained respectful with her. I'll take a debate - which is listening to both sides respectfully. Now, if you're just going to shout out your point and not listen to anyone else, well - that doesn't serve any purpose. She explained to me that Christians are not allowed to eat shellfish or use birth control and that I should read my Bible. Well, let me tell you, my friend, once again I will say - I am a Christian, who was endowed with the New Covenant of Jesus Christ. Thankfully, we no longer have to follow the 613? laws of Moses. God asks us to believe in His son. He expects and commands us to obey Him and His word. He created the 10 Commandments for us. So, do I sin? Absolutely! But do I know what sin is, absolutely! I don't live with blinders on thinking that if I don't listen to the truth, then it's not there. I don't choose to believe only part of the truth, I believe all of it. You see, my friend is somewhat biased. She has chosen to live her life as a homosexual. Do I judge her for that? Never. In fact, I never once brought up that fact with her. But will I provide her with justification for these choices? No, I won't. That's not my job - my only job is to show love and share my story of Salvation. She knows what she is doing is wrong, and for that she feels as though people are judging her. I will leave that great task up to God, as he will have plenty of judgment for me as well.
So, thank you for the advice - I will go read my Bible so that it can affirm what I already know and make my faith stronger. Have I ever questioned my faith - of course, who hasn't? Something so great, so eternal - it's only natural to question it. But if you want me to back down from my faith or provide justification for sin, then think again. You want to debate the Bible, then bring it on! I have read my Bible and did not choose Jesus with a light heart. Yes, divorce is a sin, and hard on families. But why would I bash or blame those people, have we not all sinned? Show love, show support. And let's first talk about the commitment that it takes to be married, to have children, to stand behind your faith. I am not in this life for me and my selfish purposes.... I am here because God placed me here for His purpose, and to that I am committed. Words cannot express the love that I have for my sweet husband. He challenges me, loves me, believes in me, and hopes for me every day - and as I lay with him I know that God made us in perfect form to fit together. So don't just take the easy way out and tell the world what you need, what you deserve. The truth is that none of us deserve anything. Tell me about your commitment, your sacrifices, tell me your story and withhold your judgment of others. I know there are Christians out there that may give us a bad name... but don't put us all in a box - ask for my story, I am happy to tell it.
So, I'll leave this and know that I put my faith in God and His plan. I will pray for his grace, his wisdom and his mercy every day. I will pray that he will keep my children safe and give me the ability to raise them up to serve him. And I pray that my boys will truly know him at an early age. And Lord, please help me to serve you better! No matter who is President and what our opinions are... I believe that Jesus Christ is our Savior; and God is the King of Kings and creator and ruler of all!
Thanks again for listening! No more rants for me.... back to the fun stuff! Hopefully my dear friends have listened with a soft heart and open mind. This blog was for my God, to openly express my love of Him, and for my boys - so that they know the love that their mother has for Him. Love You All! God Bless.
Can I get an Amen? I ws wondering what was up with your Facebook comment. Love, Jen Cox
Wow! Very well said, now I am convinced that you should write a book one day. Your blog made me ready to face whatever comes my way. Love you.
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