November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween

Oh, what a fabulous time of the year - my absolute favorite! And now we have an October baby - can you say costume parties! I just love the weather, the colors, the smells, the food and the memories during this time of the year! There's always so much to do... here are a few of our favorites this Halloween!

Since we don't have a "neighborhood" this year in the apartment, we decided to go back to our old neighborhood and continue the tradition of trick-or-treating with our neighbors across the street. They have two boys too. Preston was Darth Vader this year - although wisely opted to not wear the mask that night (he couldn't see). It was cute though - as soon as he put on the mask for pictures, he began to do the famous Darth Vader "deep breathing" and humming Darth Vader's theme song. And of course Evan went trick-or-treating for his first Halloween too - but you guessed it, he napped in the stroller the whole time... oh, the excitement! The weather was so beautiful, it was just a great night - the boys had a ball! I enjoyed strolling around and watching all the kids - I usually have to miss out on this part because I'm at home handing out candy! Probably the funniest part of the night was when the boys (along with a bunch of other kids) went up to a house that really got into the spirit... there was a guy dressed up in a kind of creepy mask with two heads and he was just standing there like a statue... oh, you know what's next... once the kids got close, he began to move towards them and all you heard was kids screaming and dispersing as fast as their legs would take them - it was hilarious! I know, poor kids... but it was all in good fun (Erick and I used to do this kind of thing all the time before kids). Yes, we're sick, we know. Anyway, Preston got up the nerve and walked up close to him, and he was handsomely rewarded with candy! Not too many other kids thought it was worth it! Hee hee! I think it's great the houses that go all out - as long as it's fun. Hey- you're talking to the nut that LOVES our annual tradition of haunted houses with our friends. I was sooo disappointed that we didn't get to do them this year. I think Aunt Susan was scared they would send me into labor!! So we opted for dinner and a movie instead.... there's always next year!

Earlier on Halloween Erick and Preston carved a pumpkin while Mommy dressed up Evan in his costume parade!! Isn't he cute - our little pea pod, shiny gold fish and adorable dragon! Hey - as parents, there are only a couple of years where you get to decide the costume... pretty soon he'll be telling me he wants to be a Ninja Turtle or something!

Our church also had their annual Fall Festival, which was a lot of fun - we had a fantastic turn out! We opted for Captain Jack Sparrow as our costume that night. The kids got to play games, eat lots of food, get treats and see a funny show at the end. Oh yes, Evan was again along for a sleepy ride! I think this may be the first picture of the four of us though - except for the hospital.

I have to say that probably my favorite costume this week was his costume for Awana at church. Awana is a national Christian club that the kids attend once a week - they learn bible verses, stories, play games and fellowship. They earn a vest with patches and jewels, it's a great organization and Preston is learning so much and he loves it! Anyway, this week they had to dress up like a Bible character. We chose to dress up as Noah. So, we went and got Preston a long white beard and hair (yep, that's Preston under the beard below) and then we pinned animals (two-by-two) to him. He was a riot! And he actually won the costume contest for his age group. Too funny! Preston's going to get me for this one some day.... oh well, it was worth it!

This last picture is at Preston's school on Halloween. It's too bad that kids can't dress up at school anymore - I just remember that being such a fun day growing up! But they did offer a fun "sock hop" party to the kids and their parents. They played Limbo, Twister, had a bounce house, lots of fun stuff - Evan and I joined Preston for the morning. It's always neat to visit Preston at school and meet all his friends and he was so proud to show off his new little brother.

We are excited that Fall is here and the holidays are just around the corner - it's going to be a very special holiday season. Love to all!

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