Couldn't you just smooch all over that face! I know I do!
Our little man is growing up way too fast! But it's hard to remember our life without this little bundle of joy, energy and personality! And I certainly wouldn't want to imagine it! Can you believe that we thought we were done having kids?!? So glad that God put it in our hearts to have another. Evan has been such a blessing to our whole family - "he completes us"!
This little guy LOVES to dance! Seriously, it is the cutest! Anytime and anywhere he hears music he starts dancing - bopping his head up and down, shaking his arms around and just dancing! He cries when the music stops! His favorite toys are the ones that make music. He'll set one off and then start dancing and laughing and running around.... so proud of himself! And he always looks to make sure you're watching and dancing along. Show off! Above are a couple pictures of him getting his groove on! Shake your groove thing, Evan!
It's not hard to make Evan laugh - he is quite the ham. He loves being tickled, being chased and LOVES to play peek-a-boo or "Where's Evan?" He loves pulling stuff over his face for you to say "boo!" He is a busy man - if he is awake, he is moving and exploring... and oh yes, we are indeed walking - well, almost running now! I know it's old news to most - but on September 6th Evan did indeed figure out a faster way to get from place to place! And he hasn't looked back since!
In fact, funny little fact... Preston started walking right after his first birthday party - as soon as guests left he started walking around. And then Evan started walking after Preston's 7th birthday party - Preston had some friends over for the night, and Evan started walking around! I guess all those boys were motivation to get moving! Apparently Preston's parties inspire walking!
Here are some shots of him in action!
Oh, and that little yellow sign that he is holding is his favorite. It's a "duck crossing" sign from our wooden train table. If he is in the playroom, he is carrying and chewing on that sign!
So, have I said lately how much Evan loves his brother? He is so in love with Preston. And Preston spends every waking hour playing with Evan, worrying about Evan, talking to Evan... what a joy it is to see them together!
Another one of Evan's favorite things to do is copy you. He loves copying sounds that you make and silly things you do! And of course, he is learning very quickly how to do the things that "big brother" does.... oh, to be like big brother!
He has actually starting "playing cars" with Preston and finds the purpose of toys pretty quickly. Isn't that fun to see them figure things out?!? You can just see the wheels turning.
"Almost there....."
One of his favorite times - bedtime with "bubba". He loves walking around in his room and going in and out of his bathroom while he gets ready... here he is helping Preston brush his teeth!
I know there's so much more to say about this little guy, but for now I'll just leave you with a few more pictures! Love to All!
Didn't even budge when I came in to get this picture... he loves using his bumper as a pillow.
What a face!
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