I'm sure all my mommy friends can relate that it kind of makes me sad to be writing about Evan being 10 months old already! Where has the time gone? My little baby is growing into a toddler full of personality! He is such an amazing joy! God's plan is always so perfect; it's hard to remember our family before this little man arrived. He's our sweet little "Schmoopie" and we just can't get enough of him.
Just wanted to share a few pictures from the last month or so... just a few, yea right! Come on, it's me...
He rarely enjoys his exercauser anymore... but for some reason a couple of weeks ago he thought it was the greatest thing ever... I guess because he hadn't played in it for quite some time... he's a man on the move and doesn't want to be "contained"! But here he is putting on quite a show in his exercauser... he gets so excited, squeals with excitement and just starts jumping around like a wild man! You just can't get enough of his infectious laugh and smile... Daddy says he's too cute for his own good! The second picture below just makes me laugh.
Here we are before heading out to the pool - we always like playing with the sunscreen in his hair - makes for some funny hair-dos!
And of course, these days he is all about putting things in his mouth - it is his mission in life! He gets himself in the funniest positions trying to cram things in his mouth! He is Evan, King of the Drool, and still King of the Spit Up too, it's a full-time job to follow around after him with a burpie... he leaves quite the trail!
Everyone laughs at his teeth - he got his bottom two center teeth, but then has only gotten his top two eye teeth after that - so he looks like our little vampire! Or... sometimes he looks like our little "bubba" who needs to put his front dentures back in! hee hee! Here he is showing those top teeth.
Evan on the move... oh, man is he into everything?! I mean, EVERYTHING! Even if you are holding him and walking around, it's best to just keep moving - because if there is something on the wall or the counter or anything within reach - he will grab it! We're trying to teach him the word "no", but most of the time he just grins when you tell him "no". But oh, every once in a while he is not too happy with you when you tell him "no", or have to take something away. He gives you a big "ehhhh" and crawls away. He is so fast and goes for everything that's he's not supposed to... Preston was and is such a rule follower, but we can already tell that Evan is not going to follow the rules! We put him in a high chair in the restaurant after church the other day and before we could even get both feet into the high chair he had completely cleared the table of all plates, utensils, crayons, anything within reach! Oh, help! Good thing he's cute...
He is such a happy little guy, the only time he fusses is when he's tired. He LOVES to sleep and loves to ride in the car - he is a very good traveler and just goes with the flow when we have to run brother all around town to camps, practices, school, etc...
He's also all about pulling himself up on things and walking around things. He loves to let go and can balance for quite a while - he's still only taken 2-3 steps so far. But he has almost mastered standing up by himself in the middle of the room... here he is trying!
Triceratops... yummy!
Ain't that the truth... "Feed Me and Nobody Gets Hurt!" Actually Evan would much rather play than eat... in fact, he loves to play while he's eating - what a mess! All of you that have been around this little guy knows that he loves to makes funny sounds and faces... we've got a new sound we call the "old geezer".... it's like he's only breathing out and trying to talk, it's so funny. And speaking of talking - he says "Dadda" and "Bubba" very clearly, although I'm not sure if he knows what he's saying yet. But as for "Mamma", I am "Bwa Bwa".
Here's another one of his favorite games... the FAN! He loves fans... especially the floor fans. He's plays this game where he crawls up to them, let's the air hit his face and then giggles and crawls away really fast... he does it over and over again - back and forth. It's hysterical and he cracks himself up!
These two boys love each other so much. Preston is an outstanding big brother and praises every little thing that Evan does and can't wait until he wakes up so he can play with him. And Evan just lights up when he sees Preston.
Okay, how about this face? This is what Evan thinks of "real food"! He has no interest in those Gerber puffs or Cheerios or Biter Biscuits. Apparently they are DISGUSTING! "I'll stick with the baby food, mom!"
"What? You want me to eat this? This is soooo not edible."
My sweet boy, you can kind of see his teeth here too.
Well, nap time is just about over. Better go get that wild and crazy guy! Love to all!
LOVE your blog...I wanted to tell you that Piper's teeth came in the exact same way!! She is going to have to be Dracula for Halloween I guess!!
Stacey (Stricklin) Gow
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